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Books About Books

One of our favorite sections here in our online store or for that matter, in any bookstore we visit. Any #bibliophile loves Books about Books or as some like to call it, Books on Books.

  • In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

    Price: $499

    See book 
  • Transformation by Anne Sexton

    Price: $75

    See book 
  • From Here to Eternity by James Jones

    Price: $350

    See book 
  • The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

    Price: $95

    See book 
  • A Bell for Adano by John Hersey

    Price: $125

    See book 
  • A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

    Price: $450

    See book 
  • Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut

    Price: $95

    See book 
  • All Quiet on the Western Front by Jean Marie Remarque

    Price: $500 / Sold

    See book 
  • The Spanish Earth by Ernest Hemingway

    Price: $1,000

    See book 
  • Obscure Destinies by Willa Cather

    Price: $150

    See book 
  • Bullfighting, Sport & Industry by Ernest Hemingway (signed)

    Price: $200

    See book 
  • The Price of the Ticket by James Baldwin

    Price: $65

    See book 
  • Salmagundi by William Faulkner

    Price: $600

    See book 
  • Requiem for a Nun by William Faulkner

    Price: $399

    See book 
  • World Enough And Time by Robert Penn Warren

    Price: $60

  • The Purple Decades by Thomas Wolfe

    Price: $70

  • Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot

    Price: $100

  • Black Boy by Richard Wright

    Price: $100 / SOLD

  • Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Paton

    Price: $165

    See book 
  • The Growth of the Book Jacket by Charles Rosner

    Price: $59

    See book 
  • The Man Who Never Was

    Price: $50

  • Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

    Price: $45

  • Endurance: A Year in Space, A Lifetime of Discovery

    Price: $25

  • Five-Point Play

    Price: $50

    See book 
  • View from the Summit

    Price: $150

    See Book 
  • Cold Mountain

    Price: $150

    See book 
  • Hadley

    Price: $15

  • Papa Hemingway

    Price: $16

  • Fitzgerald & Hemingway: A Dangerous Friendship

    Price: $35 / SOLD

  • Hemingway on Fishing

    Price: $38

  • Death in the Afternoon

    Price: $28 / SOLD

    See Book 
  • The Old Man and the Sea

    Price: $150

    See Book 
  • The Wayward Bus

    Price: $100

  • Sweet Thursday

    Price: $75

  • The Kerouac We Knew

    Price: $35

  • Wisdom

    Price: $30

  • The Atlantic

    Price: $35 / SOLD

  • Dialog

    Price: $40

  • Column

    Price: $16

  • LOOK

    Price: $45

  • Libra

    Price: $10

  • The Novel

    Price: $10

  • The Ground Beneath Her Feet

    Price: $10

  • I Can't Wait Until Tomorrow

    Price: $10