
Hello! This online store features our curated inventory from our Cape Cod (MA) location from April 15th through November 30th each year. The store then gets updated, switching over to new inventory from our Boynton Beach (FL) location for approximately 5-6 months. Thank-you for your continued support and happy bookscouting!

How We Got Started in the Book Business

Like you, I have always loved books! Whether it was hanging out in old bookstores, studying over the years in libraries, visiting athenaeums or traveling the world hunting for books. In addition, I've always enjoyed reading books about books, learning the history behind modern first editions and researching various authors.

I remember reading my first Hemingway book as a young teenager. To this day, I still enjoy re-reading all of his classics, like The Sun Also Rises (1926) and A Farewell to Arms (1929). 

Things changed, though, after reading the Snows of Kilimanjaro in high school. As a result, I knew one day I would climb the mountain mentioned in that particular short story. Decades later I did just that! That was Tanzania, 2008, where a group of us climbed all 19,340 feet of that breathtakingly beautiful mountain. Imagine, my African expedition was a result of simply reading a great book as a young kid who grew up in the city close to Boston. As time went on, I continued to read, collect, and write about authors, like Ernest Hemingway, for decades prior to getting into bookselling.

Enjoying all these wonderful prerequisites over the years eventually led to the opening of Burning Tree Bookstore at the start of the pandemic.

Please reach out to us with any wants or needs. We hope you enjoy our book selection and thank you for stopping "buy."