The Relationship Between Authors Ernest Hemingway and Denne Bart Petitclerc - Burning Tree Books

The Relationship Between Authors Ernest Hemingway and Denne Bart Petitclerc

For those watching, or re-warching on Netflix, the movie "Papa: Hemingway in Cuba" you might not have been to aware of one of the characters who went by the name of Ed Meyer in the film. In real life he was actually Denne Bart Petitclerc, an American journalist, war correspondent, author, television producer, and screenwriter. 

Ernest Hemingway and Denne Bart Petitclerc shared a unique and profound relationship that began with a fan letter. Petitclerc, a journalist, wrote to Hemingway in the late 1950's expressing his admiration and gratitude for Hemingway’s inadvertent instruction on writing, which Petitclerc had learned by copying Hemingway’s novels long-hand. This led to an invitation from Hemingway to Petitclerc to go fishing, marking the start of their friendship. Petitclerc became a trusted friend and confidant to Hemingway. They developed a close friendship based on their shared passion for writing and adventure.

In the film "Papa: Hemingway in Cuba," Denne Bart Petitclerc is portrayed as Ed Myers. This name change was likely done for artistic or narrative reasons within the film itself. According to a review by The Hollywood Reporter, the film is described as a "fictive chronicle" based on Petitclerc's real-life experiences with Hemingway in Cuba.

While it's clear that Petitclerc was a significant figure in Hemingway's later life, the use of the pseudonym "Ed Myers" in the film appears to be a creative decision rather than reflective of any specific historical detail or necessity. The film may have opted for this change to focus on the essence of their relationship and interactions rather than exact factual representation.

Petitclerc also adapted Hemingway’s novel “Islands in the Stream” into a screenplay, demonstrating his ability to capture Hemingway’s essence in his adaptations. Their friendship was significant enough that Hemingway’s widow, Mary, requested Petitclerc to work on this adaptation after Hemingway’s death. Overall, the relationship between Hemingway and Petitclerc was characterized by mutual respect, mentorship, and a shared passion for storytelling and adventure.

For further insights, you might explore reviews or analyses of the film "Papa: Hemingway in Cuba" to understand more about how it interprets and portrays the relationship between Hemingway and Denne Bart Petitclerc (Ed Myers).



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