Visit Burning Tree Books for Latest Ernest Hemingway Editions - Burning Tree Books

Visit Burning Tree Books for Latest Ernest Hemingway Editions

We love all types of genre and authors at Burning Tree Bookshop. But when it comes to certain writers like Pulitzer & Nobel Prize winning author, Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), that love ascends to a new level. Over the past few months, we have come across some great copies of the authors work. Some of which we have passed on while adding others to our online store. We continue to look online every day to build our inventory for our growing customer base. In addition, depending on the season, we do the bookscout thing in Massachusetts and Florida. In MA, we make the rounds at all the bookstores on Cape Cod while in FL, we visit the best bookshops in Southern Florida, like Old Florida Bookstore and Bookwise. 

Pictured above are some of our latest Hemingway finds, some of which are not yet in our store. If you see something you're interested in, just let us know via email or DM us on Instagram. The following is a short list of some of those treasures. 

A Farewell to Arms (1929), fourth printing. 

Atlantic Game Fishing (1937), first edition. 

The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (1961), later edirion (F-10.61). No dust jacket. 

Across the River and Into the Trees (1960), softcover.

PAPA (1972), James McLendon

A Moveable Feast (1964), layer edition. We also have a first edition as well. 

Ernest (1978), signed by Peter Buckley

In the meantime, please continue to visit us online at for new arrivals. Also check out Hemingwaycuration and Burningtreebookstore on Instagram. Be well. 

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